Wednesday, May 6, 2009

“Real Solutions”...follow-up :

In the previous post, I tried to point out some of the “connections” between various issues that are being ignored...I also explained how I had become a non-participating victim of the 1999/2000 inter-net boom and recession of 2000/01...Now I'm going to explain how my son and I are part of the causes of other huge issues and the “Real Solutions” I propose to fix them...Keep in mind ; though I propose specific solutions and steps to achieve them, I don't “like” the idea that some of these steps “need” to be taken...I am well aware that many of you won't “like” some of them either, but if you compare the facts, combined with pro's and con's, I believe you will understand “the end results will justify the means”...

The following will include information regarding one of the “most actively ignored and resisted” problems we face...It will include information that will outrage many people...Please don't form an opinion merely at the mention of the topic...I challenge everyone to do your own research and come to your own conclusions...The solutions I propose include some questions I myself have...I don't personally “like” some of the steps of I propose, though I do see them as necessary...This includes issues I am extremely passionate about and I ask you to visit the sites I offer (and any you can find) on your own...

Hot issues for virtually everyone include :

(1)Health Care crisis :
(2)Medi-Care / Medic-aid crisis :
(3)Social Security crisis :
(4)Entitlement crisis :
(5)Education crisis :
(6)Energy crisis :
(7)Environmental crisis :
(8)Social / Public Service crisis :

These are all inter-connected...I believe it's in the connections, we can discover and identify some (though not all) of the root causes...I also believe that at least one of these could be a huge part of the solutions we seek...I briefly touched on this in my previous post...I told you about myself, now let me introduce you to my son Zachary...His story is both, part of the problems and part of the solutions...

Born almost two months premature, barely (5) pounds, ashen gray (requiring oxygen) and quietly enduring full body tremors...Suspected (pretty much “known”) and later officially diagnosed, he was born with “Full Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder” (FASD)...

Important information on the following sites :


Born with a form of “organic brain damage” and only giving hints of what was (and still is) yet to come...”Failure to thrive”, combined with soon to develop “oral dysfunction”, “tactile sensitivity” and a “lack of chew / swallow reflex” would become one frustrating eating disorder we are still working on...A lack of response to pain or other stimuli ; including hunger, wet / messy diapers, were also disturbing signs...A lack of concern when something was withheld or taken and a lack of visible response to parents has been an ongoing issue described as an “attachment disorder”...There have been and remain to be issues with a need for “structure”, “repetition”and “decompression”...I can already see the anticipated issues with understanding right from wrong and the ability to control impulsive behavior...”Concepts”, such as “actions / reactions”, “consequences”, “time”, others “personal space” and “danger” are all simply inconceivable...

I am SO lucky...Although my son has “issues”, many others have much more extreme issues to deal with...Zach has no health problems (so far), mild behavioral issues and mild “Autistic” tendencies...In many ways, my son is “A-typical FASD”, yet in so many ways, he seems to defy the statistical expectations...I am trying to remember to enjoy each day, because the future may not be as easy...

I do not want to downplay any of the other various “issues” far too many children are born with...This is not meant to take attention away from them, or challenge the seriousness of other “disabilities”, but rather, bring some focus on what all of these have to do with the problems many countries face, especially with economies and health care issues and actually “do” something about the ones we can...FASD is by far the biggest, the most widespread, the most costly and the one most easily eliminated...As I stated in my previous post ; we must begin to “eliminate” the aggravating factors of our economic difficulties that can be dealt with, in order to use resources more efficiently...

The knowledge of alcohols health risks and other related consequences of alcohol use are so old that ; it was directly referred to when religious scriptures (such as the Bible) were written, kings made “proclamations” (laws) against use and in many cultures a woman would become a “social outcast” if she used alcohol during pregnancy...Due to the lack of “legitimate” arguments against the severe risks, the very topic is “actively ignored” and when regulation, taxation or restrictive laws (such as the U.S. Constitution 18th Amendment) are attempted, other tactics (such as violent crimes and personal rights) are used to create civil unrest and distraction from the real issue...In some countries, the “facial anomalies” (deformities), behaviors and educational issues are so prevalent that they are considered to be merely “cultural traits”...

“Official research” has been conducted, medical reports and books and have been written, many governments have required warnings labels on containers and of course, billions of dollars has been spent and all of these continue...The one single most important thing missing is simply, the education of the masses, thereby allowing “active ignorance” of personal behavior and the consequences to persist...

Are you aware that here in the United States, during the late 1970's through early 1980's, official research was conducted by the USCDC (Center for Disease Control)? Are you aware that books have been written to bring about “mass public awareness” by people like Dr. Ann Streissguth, who was on the team at the USCDC conducting the research? Are you aware that a special commission was formed, headed by then Senator Al Gore, to hear evidence that led to a “unanimous” Senate vote on July 12th for Senate Resolution 499 and the creation of a National Fetal Alcohol Awareness Day”, September 9th ? Are you aware that a “Congressional Caucus” was formed (which officially opens Government funding) and a “National Task Force on FAS/FAE” was formed? Are you aware that some states, including California, led by Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger officially adopted the same resolution at a State level, to create a “Fetal Alcohol Awareness Day”? Are you aware that both the “national and local news media's” refuse to announce and acknowledge the existence of this vitally important educational information? Are you aware that even local “county public health” officials refuse to help push for “public health awareness”?

For those interested in statistics, here are some that should be given attention and serious consideration :

(1)Official research completed in the early 1980's shows an occurrence rate of 1.9 in 1000 for children born with “Full Fetal Alcohol Syndrome” ; this rate for “officially diagnosed cases of full FAS” is nearly double the rate of “Downs Syndrome” and almost (5) times the rate of “Spina Bifida”, two of the most commonly recognized birth defects...
(2)By the mid-1990's : the number of people infected with HIV/Aids was (1) million, the number of “officially diagnosed cases of Full FAS” was (3) million...
(3)By the mid-1990's, the occurrence rate of “Autism” was 1 in 166 to 1 in 150...
(4)By the mid-1990's (only about 15 years after research had shown an occurrence rate of 1.9 in 1000) the “officially diagnosed” rate of “Full FAS” had risen to 1 in 100...
(5)In 1996 : (US Center for Disease Control, Streissguth, Barr, Kogan & Bookstein) wrote ; “Alcohol poses the biggest threat to the survival of humanity through our next generations” ; “Fetal Alcohol Exposure is the single largest factor setting up physical and neurological conditions that predispose American babies to aggressive and violent behavior” and “1 in 100 children are born with “Full FAS” to women who use alcohol in ANY amount during pregnancy, when alcohol use is reduced by at least 50% during pregnancy, 24% are still born with “Full FAS” and 26% are born with “FAE” (the same thing as FAS, but without the “facial anomalies / deformities” required for official diagnosis of the Full syndrome)...
(6)At the rapidly increased frequency rate of FAS is a community catastrophe that threatens to wipe out any culture in just a few generations even when use is reduced...
(7)FASD is the #1 most commonly known cause of mental retardation ; in fact, more cases of mental retardation resulted from alcohol related birth defects than from All known genetic causes COMBINED...
(8)FAS is the #1 cause of still births, premature births, organic brain damage, mental illness and physical birth defects...Alcohol is the #1 most dangerous substance to an unborn child...Ask yourself : If alcohol kills germs and virtually anything directly exposed to it for any period of time, what chance do developing cells that create a developing fetus's brain have?
(9)FAS is the #1 most misdiagnosed disability, most often misdiagnosed as “Autism”...This should cause questions regarding the accuracy of the statistical rate of “Autism”, as well as a possible connection currently unexplored...

Resulting issues include :
(1)Mental illness : 90%
(2)Dependent living : 80%
(3)Need for “special education” : 90%
(4)Expulsion or drop-out from school : 60%
(5)Trouble with the law : 60%
(6)Inappropriate sexual behavior : 50%

The most alarming “fact” is : FASD is virtually 100% preventable...

Consider the statistics above and the impacts on our most urgent social issues :
(1)Overall Economy : The cost of “Full FAS” alone to our national budget in 2003 was estimated to be $5.4 Billion, a cost to taxpayers of $1.5 million per child in his/her lifetime...
(2)Social Security / Disability : Children with FASD, as well as other officially diagnosed disabilities, qualify for Social Security Disability, yet virtually none pay into this...
(3)Education : Not only do these children pose educational difficulties to educators (who know virtually nothing about FASD), but “special education” costs an average of $30,000 per student, per school year...Also considering issues with disruptive behavior, shared symptoms of ADHD : disorganization, impulsiveness, distractability and hyperactivity, or under activity ; Neuromotor Impairment : balance, coordination, oversensitivity or under sensitivity to stimuli, poor perception of sounds, visual input and social cues ; Poor Executive Functioning : ability to judge, plan, empathize, estimate, or understand concepts such as “right from wrong” ; Speech, reading, mathematics and science problems ; is there any doubt, backed by historical and scientific research, as to the causes of educational difficulties, educational funding problems, rising rates of illiteracy and increasing drop-out rates?
(4)Social Services : The need for “dependent living” assistance including ; assisted living facilities, foster care, welfare and other assistance for parents / caretakers unable to work outside the home due to in-home care requirements, and more...
(5)Health care : Children prenatally exposed to alcohol are highly likely to be born with or to develop heart, kidney and liver problems, not to mention the drastically increased probability of physical injury requiring medical care...
(6)Incarceration and institutionalization : Costs for police, court systems, jails, prisons and mental institutions ; most often as a direct result of either not being able to understand “right from wrong”, or “inappropriate sexual behavior” caused by stunted mental growth that does not match chronological age...
(7)Over-all Economy : Costs for all of the above, not counted in the 2003 estimates of $5.4 Billion, or $1.5 million per individual and rising...

You can find much more by doing your own research...Many books have been written, foundations and educational websites created and yet, the “topic” of alcohol and the dangers are “actively ignored and resisted”...I could go on about the evils of alcohol, but, there is another side...The “Alcohol Industry” could be a “big” part of the solution to multiple issues we face...

As I stated previously, my son was born with “Full FASD” and after his birth, I had to quit working, at the age of 45 and become a “stay-at-home” single father of a newborn child...By the age of (6) months, symptoms of his condition were already becoming apparent and at (1) year of age, Zach was officially diagnosed...At that point, he qualified for and began receiving Social Security Disability...I also had to apply for AFDC (welfare, including food stamps) just to survive...When my son was about (3 ½ years old) we lost our two bedroom apartment (and HUD), through no fault of ours, and had to move into a single room at the cheapest hotel in town...No kitchen or cooking facilities makes teaching my son to eat rather difficult to say the least...Surrounded by alcoholics, drug addicts, dealers, chronically homeless (many with mental health issues) ; this is no place to raise a child, especially one with some of the issues of FASD that make him easy prey...We're managing however, mostly by becoming hermits and not associating with anyone around us...Most “normal people” (especially women) I meet won't have anything to do with us, thinking I must be like the others living in this place...After the loss of my business and motor home in 2001 and my loss of employment that provided a company truck, I have not purchased a vehicle of our own, which makes transportation a major issue...We live in a small northern California town that has a city bus system and during the energy / gas crisis, I bought a bicycle and “trail-along-bike” (that attaches to mine), so my son and I can get to local parks, the post office and get away from the hotel together...Our town has a nice river trail to ride on and Zach loves to go for rides...We are not only victims of what has transpired in the economy for years ; we are “prime examples” of some major issues we face as a country...There are millions in positions similar to ours...

To understand at least some of what I propose for “Real Solutions”, let me point out a few historically proven facts...

(1)As the “white man” moved westward, alcohol (firewater) was offered to native American Indians initially...It didn't take long before native Americans recognized the effects of alcohol had dangerous consequences...The white man then began forcing alcohol to be accepted by threatening not to make trades with native Americans, unless they also accepted the alcohol...In effect, alcohol was used as a weapon against native American Indians...”Alcoholism” became identified as an “Indian problem”...
(2)Though exactly when alcohol was introduced to the black African community is unclear, whether given to slaves for “control” purposes, or with the freeing of slaves and the rise of racial poverty, alcoholism spread to include blacks...”Alcoholism” was then identified as a problem only effecting Indians and black Africans...
(3)Major health risks of the poorly made alcohol was brought to the attention of the American government and “prohibition” was created with the 18th amendment, which made alcohol illegal to manufacture, sell, possess and consume...It is “prohibition” itself that caused a drastic increase of alcoholism, caused a cultural shift allowing women to drink socially and caused the issue of physically and mentally damaged children (later identified as Fetal Exposure to Alcohol) to cross all race and socio-economic lines...
(4)“Prohibition” and the illegal transportation of “moonshine” also caused the discovery that alcohol could be used as a “high octane fuel”, which allowed “moonshine runners” to outrun police...This discovery would also give birth to auto racing and the creation of “NASCAR”...
(5)Leaders of the old “mob” (organized crime) could not effectively argue against the health risks, so violent crime was made into a much bigger issue and the government retracted the 18th amendment, legalized alcohol and in the process, made profitable agreements with “mob bosses” to bring violent crime under control...This would eventually be the downfall of the “mobs control” of what became the alcohol industry in America...Regulations were created to not only limit the production of alcohol made by anyone not officially recognized as part of the newly created “legitimate industry”, but also to create “purity” control...
(6)The use of alcohol as a fuel was re-discovered by the military during WW II in the field where obtaining gas for jeeps and other military vehicles simply was not always possible...
(7)Of course ; both the “civil rights” and “womens rights” movements made dramatic contributions to the problem ; however, “official” recognition, research and identification of FAS / FAE and other ARND's (alcohol related neurological disorders) did not occur until the 1970's...The occurrence rate at that point was considered high enough to be “alarming”, yet low enough not to be “publicly addressed”...In fairness to researchers, actively concerned groups and the U.S. Government, there has been “official recognition and legislation”; however, the “public masses” have yet to be effectively informed...
(8)During the “fuel crisis” of the mid to late 1970's again caused the re-discovery of alcohol use as a fuel ; as well as the use of “natural gas” (propane) and methane (made from chicken crap and other animal manures)...

We are now at the point where I can offer my solutions...This also requires that questions be asked of our “intellectually elite” corporate officials and researchers...NOTE : Again ; I don't personally “like” some of this myself, but the “need for the results these will achieve” is what is important...

First : “WE” can try to appeal to the Alcohol Industry Executives business sense and desire for profit and get them to at least examine the possibility that they “may” already have what is needed to become the newest suppliers of “liquid fuels”...Whether this is successful or not, the following will still be needed...

Second : A “class-action lawsuit”, supported by the government needs to be filed on behalf of the tens of millions effected by their products...Just as was done with the “tobacco industry”...This lawsuit should be for (or settled for) $3 million per individual...The government should also drastically increase taxation on all alcohol products...As was done with the “tobacco industry”...All advertising should be regulated or discontinued...As was done with the “tobacco industry”...There is no way the alcohol industry can pay the billions that would be owed, without drastically increasing prices...GOOD! Initial “National Media” coverage of the suit, the appeals, the judgments and every action taken will repeatedly re-inform the public and the “education of the masses” regarding the effects will be possible...”Elimination” of FASD can be achieved in a single generation simply by changing behavior, however, it appears that destructive behavior needs to be more than quietly offered... There is absolutely no good reason for the cheap prices and easy access that currently exists...Society has major issues with ; alcoholism, underage drinking, drunk driving accidents (most resulting in injury and / or death), crimes (while under the influence, including assaults, robbery & domestic violence), homelessness (due to alcoholism) and of course, FASD...Increased prices will have a dramatic effect on all of the above and more...

Third : The alcohol industry should be given “tax credits” for participating in the manufacture and / or refinement of alcohol into “ethanol” for use as our next fuel source...These “tax credits” should be of sufficient amount as to offset the losses incurred do to the decrease in sales and to strongly encourage participation in the “ethanol production program”...

Fourth : Proceeds from the lawsuit should be divided into three parts : 1/3rd payed to individuals...1/3rd payed to the Social Security Administration, to help repay monies that have been paid out for “alcohol related disabilities” and the final 1/3rd to create a new “Disability Fund” separate from the currently used Social Security fund...

Fifth : Though women in general won't “like” this ; A law should be passed making “Drinking during pregnancy, selling alcohol to or buying for a woman known to be pregnant” illegal...”After” a child is born with FASD, a woman “can” be charged with “Child Abuse and Child Endangerment”, but this does nothing to prevent it in the first place, especially when the law isn't currently enforced...”No consequences, No personal responsibility”...

The above should have a huge impact on many issues already listed...The decreased use / abuse of alcohol would also begin to reduce the need for many “social services”, “health care services”, “foster care services” and much more for future generations...We should also see an increase of “intelligence” and “productive ability” in future generations...”Decreased need for services” = “Decreased need for funding”...”Decreased need for future funding” = “Decrease in the escalating National Debt” for future generations...

The questions I would really like answers to are :

(1)If “alcohol” was used for fuel in the past, WHY can't we use it today?
(2)What would it take for the “automotive industry” to produce new vehicles that can efficiently use this new fuel?
(3)What would it take to modify existing vehicles on the road today to efficiently use this new fuel?
(4)If this could be done in the past, multiple times in our countries short history, “why” can't it be done today in order to save our “way of life” and “hope for the future”?

(5)According to an interview on CNN with James Miegs, with “Popular Mechanics”, every vehicle on the road today can run, without modification or damage, on up to 50% “ethanol”...”IF” this is indeed a fact, then “Why” do we only have a 10% blend of “ethanol” in gasoline? I have already independently verified this with multiple mechanics with local dealerships and small repair shops...
(6)If Alcohol has been known to cause such severe damage to our children and if we know that this form of “organic brain damage” (along with all the resulting effects and costs) can be prevented from happening in the first place, “WHY Do We ALLOW It to Continue and Grow”?

Personally, I don't want answers to the above questions...Excuses are NOT what our society needs, “WE Need ACTION” and “We Need SOLUTIONS”!!!

Final Note : It is possible that I am completely wrong about everything in this post AND my previous post...That would be an awful lot to be wrong about, especially for someone who has come to these conclusions through experience and research...These are not merely ideas I have come up with, but rather, the result of actively seeking answers and putting together connections...I have been lead to accept some of these solutions “unwillingly” and I have personally attempted to question everything, from every angle...I may have either missed something, or forgotten to include information in my posts...Either way, I ask everyone to research these possible solutions themselves...I ask that you “allow” yourself to be guided by the facts to the solutions and not merely refuse to believe or accept what you find based on personal feelings...

“Real Solutions” are not beyond current technology, beyond comprehension or beyond reach...Humanity does not have time or money to waste...Our worlds economies can't afford to lose any more value...Our environment can't afford to be damaged any more than absolutely necessary...Our problems can't wait to be solved...

The world I grew up in no longer exists, but I still believe...Technology has come a long way in my lifetime, but I don't believe continued research for new technology, at any cost, will be the solution...I don't believe wasting money ; we don't even have, on things we don't need, on things that have no real impact and on things that don't move us forward is the answer...I don't believe that with a global crisis, that we have all been watching grow over time, involving so many aspects in all our lives, that there is “nothing we can do on the short term with long term effects”...I don't believe “actively ignoring” what CAN be done NOW, will somehow make the problems go away...

I definitely don't believe the “elites” that say “there is nothing we can do but watch... I don't believe the “political rhetoric” saying “what needs to be done” (without any clue “how”), while at the same time, using the widespread support to pass massive spending bills, throwing financial irresponsibility in our faces, at a time of financial crisis...

I believe “greed” is at the heart of our problems and I believe Only greed can get us out...I believe that by offering “direction” and for re-investing in our countries, we can tap into the desire for profit and “create” an economic recovery...I also believe that we can have the widest range of effects by addressing the core issues...I believe in the human spirit and our ingenuity...

I'm not a Democrat, Republican or an Independent...I'm don't consider myself Right, Left, Conservative or Liberal...I'm not politically active...

I'm also not religious, though I have studied multiple religions in order to understand the beliefs and how it directly related to the aspects of cultures that I worked with...I don't have an “ulterior motive”...I may personally benefit more if nothing is done to correct the path humanity is on...

Because of, or in spite of, all the things I'm not ; what I am is worried...

I'm worried that we may have the solutions within our grasp, but refuse to see the obvious...

I'm very worried that there actually could be (or could have been at some point) a God...

I'm worried that we may watch as our world is destroyed, without even trying to save it...

I'm worried our world may not survive our ignorance and arrogance...

Most of all :

I'm really worried that my son may not have a world to grow-up in...

I don't like all this “Doom and Gloom”...I don't like feeling like I have to write about, what we should all already know...I want to discuss possible solutions...I want to talk about all the things that CAN be done...I'm worried that “denial” may be more paralyzing than fear itself...

I'm not asking anyone to believe me ; I'm asking everyone to look into all this for yourselves and follow where the facts lead...

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